Post-Secondary Passive House Canada Passive House Consultant* *Ongoing - completing in fall 2018 Sustainable Development Goals Academy Sustainable Cities Certificate of Proficiency with Distinction December 2016 British Columbia Institute of Technology (ABET) Architectural Building Engineering Technology Diploma Specialization: Architecture Graduated with Distinction, June 2015 Dys Architecture & CJP Architects, Gary Brooker Memorial Bursary 2015 Dys Architecture, George Simonetti Memorial Bursary 2014 University of Victoria BA Major in Geography Concentration in Urban & Development Studies Graduated, April 2011 Publication in "Governance, Social and Physical Infrastructure and Development" PDF Link A collaborative report of students from diverse backgrounds with a common passion for development studies Department of Economics, March 2011 University of Victoria Secondary Rockridge Secondary School, West Vancouver, BC Graduation with Honors June, 2006 Rockridge Secondary School, West Vancouver, BC Excellence in Geography 12 June, 2006 Rockridge Secondary School, West Vancouver, BC Certificate of Honors Grade 11 June, 2005 Rockridge Secondary School, West Vancouver, BC Excellence in Industrial Design 11 March, 2005 University of Cambridge, England Certificate in English (ESOL) Grade: A, June 2004 International School of Amsterdam, the Netherlands Excellence in Design Technology Grade: 7 (IB), 2003 International School of Amsterdam, the Netherlands Excellence in Social studies, 2003 International School of Amsterdam, the Netherlands Excellence in Visual Arts, 2003